Administrative services

To efficiently support you in developing and managing your business,
we offer administrative services for occasional or recurring needs.

Want to free up some time to focus on your core activity?
Or do these tasks not warrant a full-time or part-time employee?

Let us support you by handling some of your day-to-day administrative tasks,
such as reception, data input, transcription, mail handling, administrative services, sales management, etc.

Examples of services

Mail design (support in document authoring, correction, page layout, etc.)

Document production: invoices, quotations, letters, mailshots (address input, insertion, franking, dispatch)

Customer tracking (recording invoice payments, issuing late payment reminders)

Supplier reminders and handling

Product file and database updates

Formalities with authorities (tax, URSSAF social security, etc.)

Communication (flyers, social media, etc.)

Event administrative management: invites, mail or phone reminders, return response handling

Travel management: reservations for transport and accommodation.

Web searches, etc.

All in total confidentiality.

Our support will let you focus fully on your core activity.

– Our specific benefits –

In addition to conventional administrative services, IME Consult Berthelot Entreprises also specialises
in operational support for Micro-businesses and SMEs on international markets

Our company is approved by Business France for the Chèque Relance Export mechanism
under the France RELANCE recovery programme, and by Bpifrance for the APA mechanism (Support – Advance – Insurance).

Contact us for more information

Réalisation Groupe Charco Net